Our Services
We offer a variety of veterinary services to feed the needs of you and your pet!
Learn more about the services we offer.
At Wildflower Veterinary Co., we are here for the lifetime of your pet. We are a full-service veterinary hospital dedicated to the care and health of animals in a stress-free, welcoming environment.

Wellness Exams
Your pet can benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations or checkups. Whether your pet is a youngster, a “senior citizen,” or any age in between, wellness examinations provide an excellent opportunity for us to conduct a thorough physical examination and develop a health profile for your pet. This information will help us identify medical problems and any other issues that can affect your pet’s health and quality of life.
A wellness examination includes an evaluation of all of your pet’s major organ systems. We’ll use the wellness visit to ask you questions about your pet’s behavior, appetite, exercise habits, and regular activities at home. This is also an excellent time for us to discuss any routine diagnostic testing that may benefit your pet or to recommend any vaccinations that may be due. If your pet seems healthy, a wellness examination is a good opportunity to note any changes, such as weight gain or loss or other subtle changes that may not be evident at home. Sometimes, information obtained during a wellness examination can help detect early signs of illness and address health issues before they progress.

Fear Free Handling
Our mission is to alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets and educate and inspire the people that care for them. Fear Free focuses on both the physical and emotional well-being of your pets and aims to take the pet out of petrified. You will see the layering of calming pheromones, calming music, warm towels, catnip, high reward treats, and staff that exhibit gentle handling and intrinsic knowledge of pet body language and behavior.
The Fear Free method was created to alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets and educate and inspire the people that care for them. Fear Free focuses on both the physical and emotional well-being of your pets and aims to take the pet out of petrified.
To learn more about how we implement fear free and low stress handling at our hospital, please contact us!

Many of the diseases that can affect dogs and cats are preventable through proper pet vaccinations. Starting your pet on the right schedule early is one of the keys to a long and healthy life. Vaccines are special proteins that prime the immune system to fight off specific infections. They work in two ways: to reduce the severity of such diseases should they strike or to completely prevent infection.
There are several diseases that can afflict cats and dogs, but most pets can be protected from the worst of them if they are vaccinated properly. For dogs, these include parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis, and infectious hepatitis. For cats, these include panleukopaenia, feline herpesvirus, and feline calicivirus; for outdoor cats, protection can include feline leukemia virus.
Contact us to schedule a time to get your pet the vaccines they need. You can even start your pet’s schedule with us so they can get future vaccines when necessary.

Parasite Prevention
It’s easy to keep your pet protected from parasites like fleas, ticks, and heartworm, and we’re here to help! Why is this so important to us? Fleas and ticks are not only a source of irritation to your pet, but they can also harbor disease and adversely affect your pet’s health. Heartworm is a dangerous parasite transmitted by mosquitos that lives in the heart of dogs and cats, damages the heart muscle, and can be fatal. Ticks can carry diseases such as Lyme disease. Fleas can not only cause irritation to your pet but can also carry tapeworms. We recommend year-round parasite prevention for all pets. Our parasite preventatives come in topical, injectable, and oral form. Contact us to make sure your pet is protected from these harmful parasites!

Soft Tissue Surgery
Our team is highly skilled and experienced in performing a wide variety of pet surgeries using modern techniques, cutting edge equipment and always adhering to the strictest standards of safety and care. We provide surgical options in a clean and safe environment. Most importantly, our veterinary team can closely track each animal’s vital condition during surgery. Your pet is in safe hands at Wildflower Veterinary Co.!
Soft tissue surgery is a large subject, as it comprises any surgery that is not orthopedic. Procedures can range from simple cyst removals to complex and involved operations. Areas covered include ear, nose and throat, cardiothoracic, hepatic, gastrointestinal, urogenital, skin reconstructive and oncological surgeries. Here is the list of soft-tissue surgeries we offer:
- Spay/Neuter
- Amputations
- Splenectomy
- Enucleations
- Cherry Eye
- Entropion
- Episioplasty
- Gastrotomy
- Gastropexy
- Enterotomy
- Cystotomy
- Nephrectomy
- Mass Removals
- Pyometra
- Lymph Node Biopsy
- AVCS mobile surgeon available
- TPLO and other orthopedics available

At Wildflower Veterinary Co., we are passionate about dentistry and the dental health of your pet. Our team has over 200 hours of certified education, specifically in dentistry, and we love to share our knowledge and educate our clients about the importance of the dental health of their pet.
Dental hygiene is an important part of your pet’s health because dental disease can be associated with other serious health problems such as heart disease and kidney disease. But how do you know if your pet has a healthy mouth? Over time, bacteria lead to plaque and tartar buildup on your pet’s teeth. The result is bad breath, reddened gums, and other common signs of dental disease. As dental disease progresses, other signs can include drooling, discomfort while chewing, and loose or missing teeth.
Let us examine your pet’s mouth and discuss your pet’s dental needs! Our dental services include:
- Complete Oral Assessment and Treatment Plans (COHAT)
- Full mouth digital dental radiographs, every patient, every time
- Extractions
- Advanced Periodontal Treatments
- Guided Tissue Regeneration
- Interventional Juvenile Orthodontics
- Partial Mandibulectomy
Contact us to schedule an exam for your pet and get them started on proper dental care!

At Wildflower Veterinary, we offer in-house digital radiography. We also offer ultrasound with a mobile radiologist. These techniques allow us to take a peek inside your pet to see what is going on beneath the surface. Both techniques are pain-free and non-invasive and can give us a lot of information to diagnose your pet.
A radiograph (X-ray) is a type of photograph that looks inside the body and reveals information that may not be discernible from the outside. Radiography can be used to evaluate your pet’s internal organs like the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs, as well as bones. When it comes to diagnosing your pet accurately, radiology can be an extremely valuable tool in our diagnostic arsenal.
Ultrasonography, or ultrasound, is a diagnostic imaging technique similar to radiography (X-rays) and is often used in conjunction with radiography and other diagnostics. It allows us to visualize certain organs very thoroughly, including the heart, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, bladder, spleen, and intestines. It can also be useful to detect and monitor pregnancy. We offer fast ultrasound scans in-house and full ultrasounds with a mobile Radiologist.

Diagnostic Testing
With our in-house laboratory, we can run a number of tests and get results in under an hour. This means we are able to start treating your pet quickly. Our in-house laboratory can give us a plethora of information and indicate potential issues such as anemia, infection, electrolyte imbalance, decreased organ function, and diabetes. Some of our in-house tests include:
- Chemistries
- SNAP 4DX for heartworm and tick spread disease
- SNAP Parvo Testing
- PT/PTT clotting times
- Urinalysis
- Cytology for urine in under 15 minutes
- Digital cytology (for masses, blood films, etc.) can be read by a clinical pathologist in under 2 hours
- Application of Freestyle Libre for Diabetes monitoring
For more complex testing such as Comprehensive Chemistry Testing, Ringworm PCR, Fecal PCR for organisms that can’t be seen on a microscope, or Serum Allergy testing, we can send samples to a reference laboratory and usually get results within 24-48 hours.

Anesthesia Monitoring
Surgery and anesthesia can be a scary topic for many owners. Rest assured that your pet is safe in the hands of our highly-trained team here at Wildflower Veterinary. We monitor your pet’s vitals throughout every anesthesia procedure, no matter how small. We will closely monitor their blood pressure, monitor heart rate and rhythm with an EKG, measure their exhaled CO2 levels, and their blood oxygen levels. If anything abnormal appears in their EKG, we are able to send their EKG readings to a remote cardiologist for consultation.
We take every precaution to make sure your pet is safe for their procedure and recovers calm and comfortable.

Obesity is a common problem among pets, as it can be easy to overfeed a pet that knows how to beg. But being overweight is a serious problem for animals and can cause real health problems as they get older. With proper diet and exercise, all pets should be able to meet their dietary needs and be within a healthy weight range.
A pet’s nutritional needs change as they enter different stages of their lives. The best way to make sure your pet’s needs are being met is to develop a diet made specifically for them and their lifestyle. At Wildflower Veterinary Co., we offer nutritional counseling to answer any questions you may have about your pet’s diet.

Behavior Consultation
Whether your pet’s personality changes or behavioral problems are caused by underlying health issues or are truly behavioral issues, we believe that getting to the bottom of these problems is very important to the relationship between you and your pet. Diagnostic testing may be recommended to determine if there is a medical reason for the issue, and determine the next steps for care.
We address common behavior issues in our kitten and puppy exams and offer advice to try to prevent many frustrating behavior problems during your pet’s developmental stages. In adult dogs and cats, we can also help you solve many behavior issues. By preventing and treating behavior problems, we have the opportunity to improve the quality of life for both pets and pet lovers.
If your pet is exhibiting concerning behaviors, such as inappropriate urination, scratching, or pacing, please don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule an appointment.

We offer emergency medical care during working hours. We do not provide after-hours or weekend coverage. As a two doctor practice, this is not feasible, so we refer our clients to trusted emergency hospitals. Please see our preferred hospitals on our resources page.

Puppies and Kittens
Getting your puppy or kitten started off on the right foot at an early age can help them stay healthy and happy for the entire course of their lives. We recommend bringing in your new furry family member as soon as possible to make sure they get the proper vaccines, parasite treatments, and we can discuss any potential behavior or nutritional questions you may have. We will work with you to develop the ideal vaccine schedule for them based on AAHA recommendations. We will also make sure to test them for any potential parasites and treat them for them as well, making sure they get on parasite preventatives as early as possible. We also will perform a dental assessment as malocclusions are becoming more common, proper assessment and possible treatment early can save your pet from pain and thousands of dollars later.
Don’t hesitate, contact us to schedule your new puppy or kitten’s first examination with us! We can’t wait to meet them!